Tieroom math 101

Welcome, class, to the only course devoted to the strange and paradoxical phenomenon known as Tieroom math, where all Tieroom customers who purchase a tie end up getting their ties for free.

Turn up the scenarioooooo

We'll begin with one of the most common examples of Tieroom math.

An individual has a job interview, purchases a tie from tieroom.com to wear to said interview with high hopes of landing the position.

Now let's figure for how a purchased tie becomes a free tie.

We Support Transitive Properties


We must focus on the transitive properties of the scenario. Transitive properties are equivalencies among variables within a given set or scenario. Or, in less Einstein-y gibberish:

if a equals b, and b equals c, then a also equals c

I can hear you drooling already, but stick with me, you almost have your degree.

Plug it in (That's what she said, hehe.)

By plugging our scenario into the above formula, we can already start to see that I'm totally bending math to say exactly what I want it to say, which is exactly how math works. I bet.

  • a=tieroom tie
  • b=job interview
  • c=the job
Now, knock the dust off that abacus!

tieroom tie + job interview = job = free tie!

Explanation, please

Your tie is free because the paycheck you receive from the job you were hired for, which was made possible via the strength of the stellar interview you gave, which was a direct reflection of the sharp-as-a-ninja-star look you were rockin', which, of course, was totally our fault, negates the few shekels you dropped on your tie, equaling a (drum roll) FREE TIE!

Ready for more Tieroom math?

Still a doubting Thomas

tieroom tie + girl = date = marriage = double income = love and free tie!

There is no shortage of examples, but we suggest you don't trust our math. Get yourself a tie and discover Tieroom math for yourself.

Your mind is... NfYHHVj

Class dismissed

Chalk drop.